Alice Kober Gesellschaft für die Entzifferung antiker Schriftsysteme
A safe place for technical script decipherment

​ ​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Intruduction to the GEAS decipherment tool

Tool Introduction

The decipherment tool is a web-based application that allows you to browse inscriptions, search letter combinations, and write text in these ancient scripts. The tool is available online as libre software and works without installing the fonts on your system.


To copy text snippets from the GEAS decipherment tool and use them in your documents, you need to install the fonts on your system. When the fonts are available on your system, you can choose them in all applications, and generate PDF documents containing the glyphs.

Downlad the GEAS font collection and unzip it. Copy the TTF files to your system font directory.

We’ve combined the font glyphs with the Liberation font so that you can write text including GEAS glyphs without havint to switch to another font. The Liberation fonts and our derivative GEAS font are available under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). The OFL is a free, open source license that allows you to use, modify, and distribute the fonts. The license is available on the SIL website.

It is possible to combine the GEAS font with other fonts such as Verdana, but due to licensing restrictions, we cannot publish font packages of such combinations.